Equine Therapy

person petting horse between their eyes

What Is Equine Therapy?

Although horses are animals whose size makes them potentially dangerous to humans, they are gentle creatures. With the correct approach, they can be gently guided to build strong, trusting relationships with us. By forming a connection with a horse, equine-assisted therapy helps those who suffer from the effects of trauma regulate their emotions, lowering their anxiety and grounding them in the here and now.  

Because horses are herd animals, they are naturally social and rely on each other to be healthy and happy. They are also prey animals who have suffered generational trauma at the hands of humans. Nevertheless, horses will accept us when we approach them with kindness, control, and a willingness to be authentically open for connection. Due to their large electromagnetic field, they have an uncanny ability to tap into what we’re feeling even before we do. Equine therapy allows both humans and horses to heal through the mutually beneficial relationship they build together.

horse looking over gate

What To Expect In Equine-Assisted Therapy Sessions

After attending some initial sessions in the office, we can schedule equine-facilitated psychotherapy at one of our participating stables as an adjunct to your treatment plan. In addition to an equine therapist, a consultant with years of equestrian experience, Dan Bratman of Anima Equine will also be in attendance. While your therapist will be tuned into you and your work in therapy, the equine consultant will be focused on the horse, teaching how to build connection and safety.

These 1-1.5 hour sessions will be twofold. As you learn basic horsemanship—including safety protocols and how to groom, halter, and lead your designated horse—you will be guided into forming an authentic relationship with them. This symbiotic connection will create the potential for growth and healing to occur. 

Spending time with a large, majestic animal that is highly attuned to your emotions can have a profound impact on your mental and emotional well-being. Simply being outdoors with your horse can be a therapeutic experience. Your therapist will lead grounding meditations to help you connect with your horse and pay attention to your emotions. If your treatment includes Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), we can adapt it to involve touching the horse or holding EMDR paddles that vibrate while you work through specific memories or difficult events.

Horses As Partners And Teachers

Our approach to equine-assisted therapy acknowledges the horse as an equal partner in the relationship rather than just an animal serving humans. Instead of forcing or coercing them into therapeutic work, we respect their emotional needs. For instance, if they choose not to continue the session and would rather eat hay, we will regroup after some time has passed. 

Occasionally, a horse may need a 15-minute break, but they are usually willing to return and complete the session. We allow them to make choices, and as a result, they can also benefit from the healing process. 

Meeting your horse where they are allows you to enter a relationship that is pure, unconditional, and meaningful. Its authenticity can help reveal vulnerabilities you may struggle to access. As your comfort and confidence around your horse grows, anxiety dissipates.

Questions About Equine Therapy? Contact Us

Who Can Benefit From Equestrian Horse Therapy?

Encompass Mental Health Counseling offers equine therapy as a supplemental treatment for anyone who suffers from trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), addiction, anxiety, depression, or relational issues. Equine-assisted therapy is available to anyone who wants to heal—you don’t need any prior horse experience, just an openness to share your emotions, energy, and authentic presence with them. An added benefit of equine therapy is that you will learn basic horsemanship while at the same time improving your mental health and overall outlook.

Unlike other psychotherapy modalities, the primary focus of equestrian therapy is the relationship you work to build with your horse. Being in the presence of the horse calms the nervous system and encourages the production of “feel good” hormones, like serotonin and endorphins. This also occurs with the horse, allowing you to develop a mutually beneficial relationship. Guiding your horse helps ground you in the present moment and gets you out of your head. You can release emotions that no longer serve you and leave the stable feeling calmer and more at peace.

Equine therapy has gained traction as an effective complement to psychotherapy due to research published in 2021, which demonstrates it “can jump-start the healing process for veterans who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).” [1] Specifically, equine therapy helped veterans who found standard types of treatment ineffective. [2] CNN also recently featured an article describing the benefits of equine therapy. [3]

About Our Equine Therapist,
Rayna Havelock

After her years of experience as a trauma-focused therapist, Rayna wanted to expand on how she could best support her clients. Learning about its many benefits, she became a Level One Certified in Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP). Her certification is through Natural Lifemanship, a program that teaches the fundamentals of natural horsemanship while promoting mutual respect and trust between horse and human. 

Rayna’s first horse experience was deeply moving. She was instructed to close her eyes, stand in front of her horse, and ground herself in love for them. When she opened her eyes, the horse had come closer and was staring at her, ears forward, alert, and ready to help. Next, she was instructed to walk slowly toward the horse and put her hand on his forehead, placing it in the blind spot between his eyes. Even though he couldn’t see that spot, he trusted Rayna and stood calmly in front of her, allowing her to stroke his forehead.

headshot of Rayna Havelock smiling

Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy Can Be A Vital Component Of Trauma-Focused Treatment

As a practice that specializes in treating anxiety, depression, and trauma, Encompass Mental Health Counseling is excited to include equine therapy as another way of supporting our clients with the best treatment options available. Combining therapy to include more traditional in-office treatments with equine therapy can be a winning combination to help soothe the nervous system and restore wellness. We look forward to working with you.

Learn How Equine Therapy Can Help You

Equestrian horse therapy can open you up to a whole new understanding of what connection can feel like. To schedule a free, 15-minute consultation to learn more about equine therapy, please click here to contact us. 


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Equine Therapy Ridgefield, CT

100b Danbury Rd Suite 202,
Ridgefield, CT 06877