Is it Possible to Overcome Social Anxiety?
Your friends all agreed to get together for a fun night out. What could go wrong?
Then you realize you've never been to the place they chose before. You wonder how many people will be there. What if someone talks to you that you don't know?
Your mind is flooded with questions. You can't stop thinking of all of the possible situations and scenarios. A lot could go wrong. Your muscles feel tense.
On top of all that, you feel a little nauseous, dizzy, and lightheaded. You wish this didn't happen, but you can't seem to prevent it—social anxiety has reared its head again. It may feel like something you're stuck with forever, leaving you wondering:Is it possible to overcome social anxiety?
How to Overcome Social Anxiety
Social anxiety is a very treatable disorder. It may feel like there's nothing you can do to help cope or prevent it from happening, but there are a lot of different things you can try out!
Start Journaling
Start a journal to help you keep track of your signs and symptoms, as well as ways that you've coped with certain situations. A journal can be a great way to keep track of progress and see how much you've improved over time.
Use it as a tool to help you get your emotions out on to the pages, but also as a way to reflect and congratulate yourself.
Get Yourself Out There
You've probably heard the quote or some variation of, "A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there." It's true. A comfort zone may be comfortable, but you won't expect to see any growth.
It may be tempting to hide away in the comfort of your own home, but that won't help you with your negative thoughts and feelings. In fact, this type of behavior may even make things worse.
If you're really interested in overcoming your social anxiety, you have to get more comfortable with being uncomfortable. Put yourself out there.
Focus on Your Health
Poor physical health can lead to problems with anxiety. To ensure that your health isn't affecting your social anxiety, you need to make sure you're healthy.
Do everything you can to make sure you're healthy from the inside out. Anxiety can cause issues with nutrition and sleep habits, which are two important essentials in your daily lifestyle and routine.
Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep each night. When it comes to meals, try to keep them balanced. Exercising regularly can help ease anxiety as well. Get your body moving in whatever way you enjoy most. Go for a walk outside, hop on a bicycle, or hit up the gym.
Practice Your Social Skills
Practice makes perfect, right? Practicing social skills at home or with your family, friends, or loved ones can make it easier when you're out in the real world or put in a situation that may be uncomfortable for you.
Try to come up with an elevator pitch for yourself when it comes to introductions. You can also work on giving compliments to others and controlling your eye contact when speaking to others. If you don't feel comfortable practicing with someone else, try practicing in your mirror and work your way up to friends and family.
Ask for Help
Don't be afraid to reach out for help. If your social anxiety is having an impact on your daily life, it may be time to reach out for additional support.
A trained and licensed therapist can be exactly what you need to help talk through the negative thoughts, feelings, and symptoms associated with your social anxiety.
If you're interested in talking to a therapist, reach out today to set up a consultation for anxiety therapy.